FAQ – Professional metal 3D printers with selective metal powder bed fusion laser.
During the printing process, is the material completely melted? Is any porosity present inside or on the surface? The metal components printed with LMF (Laser Metal Fusion) technology generally have a rough surface but very high (close to 100%) densities, as the...
Technology – DLP 3D printer
Zero Tilting Technology During the printing routine the vat is set fixed in the machine while the glass tilts after each layer has been printed, which allows avoiding a suction effect and does not cause mechanical stress layer after layer, on the object being formed....
FAQ – Impresoras 3D profesionales de metal con fusión selectiva de lecho de polvo por láser
Durante el proceso de impresión, ¿se funde completamente el material? ¿Hay porosidades en el interior o en la superficie?Las piezas metálicas impresas con tecnología LMF (fusión de metal por láser) suelen tener una superficie rugosa pero se caracterizan por densidades...
SISMA en AEEDC Dubai 2021
Estaremos presentes en AEEDC Dubai 2021, del 29 de junio al 1 de julio, stand n. 4B06